About Us

Since 2005, SurveyPolice has been a reliable, trusted and comprehensive source of information pertaining to everything related to online survey taking. As the web’s largest directory of online survey panels, we feature hundreds of information articles on our surveys blog, we offer user-based rankings of survey websites and Get-Paid-To websites, and we host a popular discussion forum.

We’ve handily maintained our reputation as the go-to source of survey taking information for users around the world for over a decade now. SurveyPolice is utilized and referenced by both survey takers and market research companies alike, and best of all, we provide all of this information for free!

Yes, legitimate online surveys are a real thing

At SurveyPolice, we strive to give a voice to survey takers so they can easily relay their experiences to others. While taking online surveys can be met with skepticism (and sometimes rightly so – there are plenty of survey scams out there), SurveyPolice acts as a guide to find legitimate, trustworthy, real market research panels. We’ve taken plenty of online surveys ourselves to know it works. Check out the paid surveys rakings to find top-user rated survey panels in your country.

We have the best users!

With the help of our fantastic users, we feature thousands of helpful user reviews on our website. This not only helps new survey takers determine which online survey panels are trustworthy, but also gives experienced survey takers a place to leave their feedback. Our forum is also a great spot to connect with the SurveyPolice family.

Why SurveyPolice?

We won’t ask you for any money, nor pressure you into signing up with survey panels you don’t want to. Browse our site anonymously and read what others have to say about taking online surveys, or become a free member of our website and join the community (and to get perks like access to the Survey Finder tool). You won’t find other websites that do what we’ve been doing for over a decade…we are a pretty unique!

Mentions on hundreds of websites

We wouldn’t be around for over 15 years if it weren’t for regular shout outs from our fans. We frequently get recommended by mommy bloggers, work at home sites, survey directories, on forums (including reddit) and on major websites like About.com. Thank you to everyone who recommends us as a surveys resource!

Connect with us!

We’d love to get to know you. Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to say hello.

Kind words from our users

I love Survey Police. You’ve saved me from wasting many hours on surveys from sites that pay poorly, if at all.


I came across this site quite by accident, and wow, I love it. So much info, great reading other opinions. I would call it a family.


Thank you for providing such a great place for people to come to for information on survey sites.


Thank you for providing a safe place to learn how to safely participate in surveys. You’ve given me the tools to earn substantial money while avoiding the dreams and scams. Equally important, you’ve saved me considerable time and agony!


Take a look around the SurveyPolice website!